5 Minutes with a Property Solicitor


The Bell Lamb & Joynson family law team have been overwhelmed during the pandemic with queries from co-parenting couples regarding their children, and rightly so given that separated parents have...
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First Impressions: 1988 to 2020

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As we prepare to celebrate our 200th year in business, we’re taking a trip down memory lane to look back at how times have changed for our firm. Today, we’ll...
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This week is #NationalApprenticeshipWeek – an opportunity to shine a light on the amazing work being done by employers and apprentices across the country. To celebrate our very own apprentices,...
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Talking About Mental Health

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Identifying and Managing Mental Health Issues in this ‘New Normal’ Mental health issues affect one in six workers in the UK and its prominence has been heightened due to ongoing...
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Did you know that January is officially ‘Get Organised Month’? Whilst you may be thinking of a spring clean or clearing out your cupboards and drawers, here at Bell Lamb...
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Helen’s Story

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When you work so closely with your team, you become like family – and that’s something that’s always been encouraged at our firm. We’ve always cheered on our colleagues and...
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We appreciate that these are unprecedented times and understand that most people are facing difficulties of their own in these unusual circumstances. The challenges that we’re facing as individuals are...
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These are unprecedented times for all of us and we appreciate that there is significant concern around the COVID-19 pandemic.   This page will be updated regularly with our operational position. We...
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Statement – COVID-19

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To all of our valued clients and customers… We appreciate that there is concern around the current COVID-19 pandemic but please rest assured that the team at Bell Lamb &...
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Divorce FAQs

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Going through a divorce is always a stressful experience, no matter the circumstances which is why here at BLJ, we always aim to make the process as straightforward as possible....
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It’s never easy making the decision to end your marriage, and whilst the divorce process can initially seem very overwhelming, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to make it as...
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BLJ Will Month

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We were surprised to learn from recent surveys that 54% of UK adults don’t have a will in place, with most people stating that they just haven’t gotten around to...
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Tips for Moving Home

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‘Don’t forget the boxes…?’ Ok, you got us, this isn’t going to be your usual how-to guide. We are one of Liverpool’s oldest solicitors after all. Moving home is stressful....
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