5 Minutes with a Property Solicitor


Conveyancing refers to the legal and administrative processes by which the ownership of property is safely transferred from one person to another. It is at the help of your conveyancing...
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What Is Liability In Criminal Law?

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  Chances are in your lifetime you’ll experience criminal activity, whether it be directly or indirectly. If you ever find yourself in court regarding criminal activity, it’s important to know...
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Can I Get A UK Fiancé Visa?

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If you and your fiancé want to relocate to the UK to begin your new life together, and your partner is based in the UK already, you may be eligible...
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A Complete Guide To Conveyancing

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If you are considering purchasing a property, it’s important that you know the ins and outs of the process – including conveyancing. But what exactly is conveyancing? What does a...
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If you have recently divorced, you may be wondering what happens next. Going through the divorce process can be challenging, and even after you have come to an agreement, there...
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What Is Conveyancing?

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If you’re looking for a property, chances are, you’ve come across the term ‘conveyancing’. It’s one of many words that you come across when obtaining a mortgage and is the...
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There is still much uncertainty about the true impact of coronavirus on all aspects of our lives. Inheritance tax is no different, with the fallout of the pandemic affecting the...
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Innovation Day at Bell Lamb & Joynson

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Whenever an organisation encourages its team to create and implement new ways of working, that is an example of innovation at its best. Innovation has become somewhat of a buzzword...
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A time for giving?

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Following the unwelcoming discovery of the Omicron variant – and according to most national newspaper front pages – it is looking highly likely that businesses and employees are set to...
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Computer Security Day

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Computer Security Day takes place in November each year with the aim to raise awareness around cyber security. Here at Bell Lamb & Joynson, we pride ourselves on being an...
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October is domestic violence awareness month and Netflix have released a limited series called “Maid”. This follows the story of a single mum, Alex, fleeing her abusive partner, Sean, and...
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International Week of Happiness at Work

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This week marks ‘International Week of Happiness at Work’ – a chance for us to reflect on the things that make us happy when we’re doing our jobs, whether that’s...
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